Jon Oye keeps adding images to his site Contemplations on Classic Movies and Music
David Lobosco has continual additions to his site The Bing Crosby News Archive
Tony Mead adds photos and other interesting material Bing's Photos
NOTE: If you are having trouble logging in, please contact David Lobosco at davidlobosco@yahoo.com.
Stopped in a local record store I happened to be near and was disappointed not to find any Bing Crosby albums (vinyl or cd). I was a bit surprised considering Bing's longevity and popularity at his peak I was sure I'd find something!
The trip east a total waste, I did pick up a Matt Monroe album!
I then stopped at thrift store but only found a single Christmas cd with Crosby and Sinatra, which I left behind but I did purchase the Sinatra - Basie album on CD.
I am having the same trouble you are. When I first started collecting Bing in the mid 1980s, every time I went to a flea market or thrift store, I would find a new Bing Crosby. Now I have almost every Bing record on CD, so I can't find much new! Ebay seems to still surprise me but it is few and far between!
I'm still astonished that in a store full of records they had absolutely no Crosby - none! They had Como, Sinatra, Dean Martin, Goulet, and a host of other "Male Vocalists" but no Crosby. Based solely on Bing's longevity I find that baffling!
I must say that, where I live, in a small town in northwest Tennessee, we don't even have a record store, so I usually shop online for CDs and vinyl (and also for books and other things). However, every time I go to a record store in Memphis, Nashville, or Lexington, KY, I do find Crosby CDs, usually the trite Christmas compilation, but sometimes other things, which I already have anyway. For instance, the last time I went to a record store (in Lexington), they had El Senor Bing on CD besides the typical Christmas collections, and I must admit I was quite surprised...
I can report that here in Los Angeles, the few record stores I visit do continue to have some Bing on hand at all times. I have yet to go into a store and find his slot void of any LP's. I DO realize that this is a major music market so I cannot speak for those in smaller ones.
In fact, not long ago I got a copy of his multi (6?) disc Decca anthology in which he introduces the songs, etc. in rather fine shape. It cost me $3.00 USD.
Not surprised when i looked in HMV last year there was hardly any Tony Bennett CDs in the store this was a few weeks after he passed away so there is unlikely to be any of Bing's except for Christmas CDs.
I popped into HMV yesterday on my way into work as my bus came earlier than expected found that there was no CDs of Bing in store it looks like the only CDs available in stores by Bing will be Christmas CDs which will be a pity as there was more to Bing than "White Christmas" , I think also it's a generational thing.
Same thing happened on thursday last week there was no Bing CDs available in HMV, however they did have CDs of Dame Vera Lynn.
Other than an independent nostalgia record store called "Eric Rose's Music Inn", whose business I was employed for many years (beginning in 1992 - and where I still occasionally visit - always quite a bit of Bing stocked, there), I'm afraid I too generally find very slim pickings elsewhere. An odd Christmas compilation and sometimes a general one with all the obvious songs can sometimes be found.
Just handful of years ago, I'm sure I remember seeing some sealed CD copies of the 1991(!) MCA compilation, "Bing Crosby and Some Jazz Friends" in Fopp Records, a small, discerning UK based chain - which has now had something of a more visible revival in Nottingham's city centre. After a recently successful Blu-Ray purchasing visit, there (with superb service) I'll re-visit and check their Bing stock.
For many, many years, it really does seem - courtesy of the workings of popular culture, that when it comes to general Bing visibility, that this particular parade now seems to have almost completely passed by.
Last edited by Ian Kerstein (07/2/2025 1:01 am)
This is going off at a bit of a tangent from the original subject of the thread, but I think it demonstrates how Bing has - sadly - slipped from public consciousness in the past few decades.
A couple of years ago I was fortunate enough to spend a few weeks working in Washington, DC. On my days off I invariably spent my time exploring the wonderful array of museums on offer. One of these was the National Portrait Gallery. Having spent a few hours exploring the museum, including the amazing 'Presidential Portraits' gallery, I stumbled across a mezzanine display billed as, 'Bravo! Showcasing individuals who have brought the performing arts to life...'
There were some wonderful portraits and displays dedicated to such American icons as Elvis, Leonard Bernstein, Paul Robeson, Maria Callas, Ethel Merman, Leontyne Price, John Wayne and Katharine Hepburn. I searched in vain, however, for a similar tribute to Bing.
The only reference I found to Mr Crosby was in the information attached to a rather bizarre unfinished bust of Bob Hope carved from a section of tree truck, in which Bing was described as having appeared alongside Hope in the successful series of 'Road' movies.
I did email the directors of the museum, asking why they had chosen to ignore the most successful and influential American entertainer of the first half of the twentieth century, but I never received any reply...
Last edited by jeremyrose (05/2/2025 7:50 pm)
Jeremy, A few years back I was in NY Madam Tousaud's Wax Museum. Everybody but Bing was featured. I wonder if he was ever added in. Even Louis Armstrong was there. I thought that was terrible that Bing was not included amount the wax figures. Is he in the wax museum in England?
Hi Carmela
It's several decades since I last visited Madame Tussaud's in London, but I would very much doubt if Bing is featured.
Here's a link to the rather bizarre carving of Bob Hope in the NPG in Washington. (In my original posting I said that it was unfinished, but looking at it again, I suspect it's exactly as the artist intended!)
Last edited by jeremyrose (06/2/2025 8:11 am)
First of all, I apologize for a few spelling mistakes, this computer is my brothers and it is suppose to correct spelling but it does the opposite. Lol! Thanks Jeremy and Pantelis! Jeremy, I am not crazy about The blockhead version of Bob Hope and Pantelis, I don' t like the Bing wax figure. But at least they included Bing at that wax museum. All you Bing men here have so much info, I learn more everyday. Thanks! Carmela
Some interesting expressions on the wax figures, but they seem relatively okay. That wood carving is just terrifying, though.