Jon Oye keeps adding images to his site Contemplations on Classic Movies and Music
David Lobosco has continual additions to his site The Bing Crosby News Archive
Tony Mead adds photos and other interesting material Bing's Photos
NOTE: If you are having trouble logging in, please contact David Lobosco at davidlobosco@yahoo.com.
Artistic Legacy » Bing continues to show up in the oddest places..! » 15/11/2024 12:37 am |
I wasn't sure which section to post this under...
I've recently been watching the new 'Sky Originals' TV adaptation of the 1973 movie, 'The Day of the Jackal'. It stars British actor Eddie Redmayne and is a well-made but fairly graphically violent series. I settled down earlier this evening to watch the latest episode and as the final credits rolled, I was astounded to hear Bing singing, 'You Do Something To Me' in the version with the Buddy Cole Trio from the Mosaic set.
I'm still trying to work out the relevance of this particular Bing track to the series, but I'm not complaining. It's always good to hear Bing - wherever he crops up..!
Others of Note » Caterina Valente died » 11/9/2024 9:21 pm |
What very, very sad news...
I was actually listening to one of Caterina Valente's albums earlier this evening. She is one of my all-time favourite singers. I've always absolutely adored the medley she did with Bing on the November '63 show. As you say, Dieter, they had a very special chemistry and it's a great pity they didn't appear together more often.
R.I.P. indeed...
Recording » Underrated Bing Crosby » 29/7/2024 5:19 pm |
STEPO wrote:
When Frank Sinatra recorded his 1954 version of "I Get A kick Out Of You" he took liberties with the lyric "It would bore me terrificly he rhymed the rrif part of the word to rhyme with the word sniff Cole Porter was not happy with it nevertheless i still think it's the best version of the song at least Sinatra did something new with it. not to go off the subject Bing's version of "Deep Purple" he brings something to the song by singing it well.
I agree that Sinatra overdid the emphasis on terriffic'ly too, but you can't deny Cole Porter's genius with those subtle triple-rhymes within the lyric. "I'm sure that if I took even one sniff, it would bore me terriffic'lly too..."
There's another one (of many...) in, 'I've Got You Under My Skin'. "...I'd sacrifice anything, come what might, for the sake of having you near, in spite of the warning voice that comes in the night and repeats and repeats in my ear..."
There are lots of examples of triple-rhymes (some admittedly quite laboured) in the lyrics of W S Gilbert for the Savoy Operas, and Porter often cited Gilbert as one of his favourite lyricists.
Incidentally, many thanks to STEPO for reviving some of these old posts..
Recording » Underrated Bing Crosby » 18/7/2024 11:01 pm |
Mind if I pitch in..?
I've always loved this song and Bing is in great voice for his version of it, but it's such a perfectly crafted melody that I just wish Bing hadn't slightly 'riffed' it for the '...sleepy garden walls...' section in the third bar. It's only a brief departure from the written melody but it just takes the edge of perfection off it for me...
Recording » Bing and songs with lady names. » 25/3/2024 7:16 pm |
Hi Carmela
I have a privately-produced CD in my collection entitled, "Dedicated To All The Girls I've Sung About". 24 tracks as follows:-
1. Louise
2. Dinah
3. Sweet Georgia Brown
4. Sweet Sue, Just You
5. The House Jack Built For Jill
6. Sweet Leilani
7. Darling Nellie Gray
8. Ida, Sweet As Apple Cider
9. Cynthia
10. Marcheta
11. I Dream Of Jeannie With The Light Brown Hair
12. Sierra Sue
13. Dolores
14. Clementine
15. Sweetly She Sleeps My Alice Fair
16. Mary's A Grand Old Name
17. Nell And I
18. Mandy Is Two
19. Lily Of Laguna
20. Wait Till The Sun Shines Nellie
21. Conchita, Marquita, Lopez
22. Evelina
23. Betsy
24. I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen
I hope that gives you a bit of inspiration..!
Recording » V- Discs » 05/10/2023 6:47 am |
Hi Carmela
If you click on the link to 'Steven Lewis' Bing Crosby Internet Museum' in the index bar at the top of any page on Crosby Fan World, you can navigate via 'Recordings' to an article about the V-discs. I've got a few of them in my collection and because of the 'back-story' they're somehow more evocative of the era than Bing's commercially released discs from the same period. I hope you enjoy playing them!
General Discussion » Mystery photo » 11/9/2023 7:23 am |
Apologies for getting the year wrong in my last post…
I suppose the other chaps in the photo could be the other members of ‘The Goofers’.
General Discussion » Mystery photo » 11/9/2023 5:31 am |
Thanks, Dieter. Comparing the photos on 'The Goofers' web-site with the 'mystery' photo, it would appear that Tommy Terry is the chap standing with Phil Harris's hand on his shoulder. Ken Dodd's show, 'Doddy's Here Again' played the London Palladium in 1965. On the bill with Doddy were The Goofers and Rosemary Squires! Bing was in London for a few days in late June '65...
General Discussion » Mystery photo » 10/9/2023 3:58 pm |
That is a mystery... One thing's certain - Bing doesn't exactly look overjoyed to be there! Given Doddy's dressing-gown, I wonder if it could have been taken in his dressing-room after one of his shows? What on earth Bing was doing there, though, is anybody's guess. Apart from Phil Harris and Rosemary Squires I don't recognise any of the other people in the photograph. Anybody know who Tommy Terry is..?
Radio » The Rice Tapes » 22/8/2023 9:37 am |
Malcolm Macfarlane wrote:
I believe that some of the NBC affiliates recorded some of the early Kraft shows off the air. Thank goodness they did.
On page 259 of the second volume of the Gary Giddens biography, Giddens describes how Bing set about restoring his record collection after the disastrous house fire of January 3rd, 1943.
"Jack Kapp sent him everything he had in stock and ordered pressings of discontinued Deccas from the original masters. Milt Gabler, the proprietor of New York's Commodore Music Shop (...) sent a gift of a hundred and fifty jazz discs. Louis Armstrong sent him a set of his own recordings. Unfortunately, Bing could not replace the transcription discs of his radio shows, made to order for him each week by NBC's radio recording division. (My italics.) They were the only copies of those uncut hour-long KMH broadcasts ever made."
Since several of the hour-long shows do survive (and some of these in very good quality sound), maybe more than one disc was cut of certain shows, as well as the off-air recordings mentioned by Malcolm.
Radio » The Rice Tapes » 19/8/2023 2:51 pm |
David Lobosco wrote:
I've tried to get in touch with David Kiner since Remond closed and no luck.
I should have bought more Redmond Nostalgia issues when I had the chance!
I feel your pain, David..! I managed to acquire app. 200 of the Redmond Crosby CDs but - rather stupidly in hindsight - I started with with the KMH, Philco and Chesterfield releases. Having completed those series, I was making good headway into the rarer stuff when Redmond ceased trading. Like you, I tried to contact David Kiner but with absolutely no success. I still have the Redmond catalogue and - when I'm in the mood for kicking myself - occasionally cast a glance over all the titles I failed to buy!
Radio » The Rice Tapes » 18/8/2023 6:00 am |
Regarding Jim’s query about the complete KMH shows, I have a vague recollection of the possible source, but it is entirely possible that my memory is playing tricks on me. Before Redmond Nostalgia ceased trading, I was in fairly regular email contact with proprietor David Kiner, placing bulk orders from Redmond's wonderful catalogue of Crosby material - not only KMH, but complete runs of Philco, Chesterfield, etc., plus much more besides. In the course of one of those email exchanges, I seem to remember David saying that the basis of the Redmond Crosby catalogue was a personal gift of transcription discs, tapes, etc., from Bing to David’s father Larry. I can’t recall any further details, I’m afraid, and unfortunately once Redmond went to the wall, all communication with David - despite my best efforts - ended abruptly. Not sure whether that helps..!
Others of Note » Darin/Mercer 'Two Of A Kind' » 12/6/2023 9:17 pm |
After more than half a century of listening to 'our kind of music' (with Bing very much at the forefront, of course), I'm still occasionally delighted by a 'new' discovery which I can't believe has evaded me for all that time. The latest addition to the list is the discovery a few months ago of the 1960 album, 'Two Of A Kind', from Bobby Darin and Johnny Mercer, with arrangements and backing by the great Billy May. On every track, Darin and Mercer sound like they're having an absolute ball and Billy May's arrangements are (dare I say it..?!) even more effective than those he provided for Bing and Rosie on 'Fancy Meeting You Here.' I listen to this album a lot, and it never fails to elicit an ear-to-ear grin from beginning to end. Bobby Darin was a great song stylist and Mercer's more overtly 'jazz chops', together with Billy May's arrangements and backing make for a very satisfying listen.
Has anyone else got any 'left-field' entries into their play-lists..?
Personal Life » Gary Giddins biography audiobook » 11/6/2023 8:04 pm |
David Lobosco wrote:
Any word if a volume 3 is even on the table at this point?
I'm pretty sure that Giddins has said that all the research for Vol. 3 has been completed - including extensive and apparently very frank interviews with Kathryn - and it just needs the go-ahead from the publishers for it to be turned into book form. I say 'just', but I have to say I personally think it's a pretty long shot that we'll ever see a third volume. I sincerely hope I'm wrong..!
Others of Note » Bea Wain - A Ghost Of A Chance » 28/5/2023 4:31 pm |
Another Crosby connection is that in the late 30s Bea Wain led a vocal quartet called, 'Bea and The Bachelors', whose personnel included former 'Rhythm Boy' Al Rinker.
Personal Life » Gary Giddins biography audiobook » 25/5/2023 6:57 pm |
I've just finished listening to the unabridged audiobook version of Vol. 1 of the Gary Giddins biography of Bing, downloaded from Amazon's 'Audible' division. It's been a couple of years since I last re-read the 'physical' book, but for some reason, listening to the audiobook version for the first time has made me realise even more keenly what an absolutely amazing feat of research, scholarship and downright bloody good writing this is! Giddins's analyses of the most significant of Bing's recordings from the very early Whiteman days through to the early Jack Kapp/Decca sessions are models of erudition, coupled with an obvious affection for, and appreciation of, Bing's prodigious talents. I listen through earphones whilst I'm out walking, and when I get home - having made a mental note of the recordings Giddins has focused on - I invariably take the relevant CD volume of 'The Chronological Bing Crosby' down from the shelf, together with the 'physical' book, and listen again with the analyses in front of me. I've found it to be a very rewarding exercise and would be interested to hear whether any other CFW contributors have had a similar experience.
Recording » UK 'Gramophone' magazine Centenary Issue. » 27/3/2023 6:13 pm |
Bear with me - there is a Bing connection here..!
April 2023 marks the 100th anniversary of the publication of the first issue of Gramophone magazine - the UK’s premier journal dedicated to reviews of classical recordings. I have been subscribing to Gramophone for more years that I have been an ICC member! The centenary issue contains a series of articles dedicated to each of the decades since the magazine’s founding. That for the 1940s naturally concentrates largely on the war years and contains extracts from a number of letters to Gramophone from classical music loving servicemen who were being held prisoner in POW camps in Germany. For example, in October 1941, Driver MC Moore, writing from Stalag XXB POW camp, told how gramophones and records were supplied to working camps of 100 men or more, 30 records being the average. More often than not, the discs were of Beethoven, Bach and Mozart. However, writes Driver Moore, woe betide, ‘…the POW who wanted to listen to Bach. I personally have been told in no uncertain terms, just where to go when attempting it. The war cry was, “Give us Bing!”’
I sympathise with Driver Moore, but can’t help smiling at the thought of a sublime Bach fugue being shouted down in favour of Bing singing San Antonio Rose!
Recording » “Bing Crosby’s Irish Songbook” - Streaming March 10 » 18/3/2023 8:47 pm |
This is a fantastic compilation, but my only very slight criticism - and it may well depend on which streaming platform you're using - is that there is absolutely no 'gap' between the tracks, so there is no time to catch your breath between a lovely ballad and an upbeat number.
Recording » “Bing Crosby’s Irish Songbook” - Streaming March 10 » 11/3/2023 10:03 am |
Many thanks to John and David for identifying the sources of the tracks. I subscribe to the Qobuz streaming service so I've lined up this and the Valentine's album for streaming in CD quality. Qobuz allows me to 'import' tracks for offline listening, but only within the Qobuz app, so I couldn't burn a CD from them. To do that you have to purchase the album from Qobuz and download the tracks. You can then do what you like with them! Current price for the album in CD quality is £13.99. Amazon's tracks are mp3 quality and the album is £10.29.
Recording » Underrated Bing Crosby » 08/3/2023 8:56 am |
I've always really enjoyed 'A Flight of Fancy' from 1952, with Camerata and his orchestra. It was written for, but not used in, the film, Just For You. I think it's an underrated song and it fits Bing to a tee..!
General Discussion » Rolling Stone 200 Best Singers of All Time » 11/1/2023 8:51 am |
I think David Krayden's article neatly sums up what we all feel about Bing's inexplicable neglect today, but I agree with Ron that he misses an essential point about Bing's unsurpassed influence on popular singing in the 20th century.
I have always thought that one of the most significant examples of this sincerest form of flattery is that of Al Jolson, whose style of singing Bing single-handedly rendered obsolete, but who affected numerous Crosby vocal mannerisms in his later years.
Dean Martin summed it up nicely in his tribute at the time of Bing's death. 'Any singer who approaches a microphone has to pass through Bing Crosby's shadow first'.
Television » Nelson Riddle » 04/12/2022 11:04 pm |
ModernBingFan0377 wrote:
I agree to a tee, though I don’t think Bing would’ve ever made an album like that without ample persuasion. As noted in one of his letters to Ken Barnes about “Seasons,” he liked having a couple more swinging numbers to offset ballads, he thought listeners would get bored with him singing ballads for a whole album. Evidently he was wrong in that respect, and I’m very sad we never got a fully solemn contemplative album.
That's a very good point. I had forgotten about the correspondence with Ken Barnes. I still think it's a shame Bing wasn't coaxed out of his comfort zone - rather in the way he had been nearly 20 years earlier with Bing Sings Whilst Bregman Swings.
Television » Nelson Riddle » 03/12/2022 11:08 pm |
Archiefit wrote:
So right. And can you imagine with that minimalist piano style of Gordon Jenkins if Bing had made some beautiful recordings with him. I think if Bing had made an album similar in style to Godon's "Jimmy Durante's Way of Life". What a fine Bing album it would be.
I agree with Archiefit. One of my favourite ever albums - Bing or otherwise - is Harry Nilsson's 1973 release A Little Touch of Schmilsson in the Night, a selection of 'Golden Age' standards with wonderfully lush arrangements by the great Gordon Jenkins. Although Nilsson very occasionally brings a contemporary 70s 'pop' touch to a couple of the tracks, I nevertheless think that the whole concept of the album would have suited Bing to a tee and a similar project would have made a wonderful addition to that amazing late flowering of his recording career.
Artistic Legacy » Mel Brooks on Gary Giddins Volumes of Bing Crosby » 30/11/2022 11:57 pm |
I have a feeling (and it is only a feeling...) that if the third volume is ever to appear, it won't be authored by Gary Giddins. I understand that Gary enjoyed the full co-operation of the Crosby family and BCE when researching Vol. 3 and that, as previously mentioned in this thread, that research is complete. I have absolutely no idea how these things work in the publishing world, but assuming that Little,Brown & Co. own the rights to that research, would it be beyond the realms of possibility that, in the interests of Bing's legacy if nothing else, some sort of licensing arrangement could be made between the Crosby family, Mr Giddins and Little, Brown & Co., to commission a third-party author to complete the project?
Film » Anything Goes 1936 » 16/10/2022 1:46 am |
Very grateful to Archiefit for the link to 'The Star Maker' but - er - the thread concerns a hi-def copy of the 1936 'Anything Goes'..!