25/5/2024 11:40 pm  #1

Phil Crosby - Little By Little

Phil Crosby, Bing's son, recorded this cute song for Reprise in October of 1963...



27/5/2024 1:04 am  #2

Re: Phil Crosby - Little By Little

I met Phil when he came to Sydney around 1965 and performed at the Hilton Hotel.
I rang Phil and we met at his hotel for a beer. I gave him a book on Australiana put out by Aussie Oil Company - Ampol, for whom I was working at the time.
He was a nice bloke and we chatted for about 45 minutes. I never got to see him perform.
Gary had visited Sydney with Louis Armstrong and I saw him at the old Sydney Stadium.
Sat in the cheap 50cent bleachers.


05/6/2024 11:57 am  #3

Re: Phil Crosby - Little By Little

It’s nice and Phil had a good voice. Must have been hard to live in the shadow of his dad. Would have been an asset on one hand but a burden on the other always being compared but never coming close. 


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