06/2/2013 2:47 am  #1

Nancy Sinatra and Early Bing

I am getting Sirius for a few weeks free. I turned on the Sinatra station and Nancy Sinatra was bad mouthing some of the 30s singers - she said she could never bring herself to play Russ Columbo or Rudy Vallee because they seem so stale. She also said that is why she can't listen to early Crosby. Then she said "thank god my dad came along and the microphone"



06/2/2013 10:02 am  #2

Re: Nancy Sinatra and Early Bing

She needs some of her father's quotes about Bing thrown to her!


07/2/2013 1:45 pm  #3

Re: Nancy Sinatra and Early Bing

She needs to get her BOOTS again and take a walk. She said, "These boots were made for walkin'"

Peace and Love! 

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