10/12/2014 3:30 am  #1

Thanks Malcolm for list!

Malcolm, I came across the list of albums that weren't released on cd and movies that weren't released on dvd. I have all the movies, I don't have all the albums. Most I have on cd, some on cassette and some on cd's that fans made for me. I figured I am missing about 16 of them. If I list the ones I don't have can someone help me get them? I looked on ebay and came across one so far, I have to look better.

Peace and Love! 

10/12/2014 8:46 am  #2

Re: Thanks Malcolm for list!

Glad the lists were useful to you.


11/12/2014 2:54 pm  #3

Re: Thanks Malcolm for list!

48blonde wrote:

..... If I list the ones I don't have can someone help me get them? .......

If you go to this discussion board's index page and scroll down, you'll find the "Swaps and Sales" discussion category.  Its description says:
"[b]Members can announce items they are looking for or wish to trade or sell to other members. General discussion of such items may be carried on here. Crosby Fan World assumes no responsibility for any actual transactions which may follow, the particulars of which must be discussed in private communications among the parties -- NOT openly here. [/b]

So you could post there what you are looking for and memebers cound talk with you about what they know about availability of the items and/or privately message you through the board if they want to discuss selling, trading, giving you spare copies they might have. 


12/12/2014 12:38 am  #4

Re: Thanks Malcolm for list!

Thanks Steve!

Peace and Love! 
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