10/10/2021 2:15 pm  #1

BING meeting in Warrington, UK, this coming December.

Hello! The Going My Way branch of Warrington, UK, will finally resume its quarterly meetings on 4th December, 2021.

The programme will be all things BING, with the second half devoted to Bing's Christmas output.

Please contact me if you would like to attend. You will be amongst friends.

Y'all come, now!

Jason Liddiard
Email: jkliddi@aol.com
Tel: 07739 596 826


10/10/2021 2:34 pm  #2

Re: BING meeting in Warrington, UK, this coming December.

Wish I could attend!


11/10/2021 6:34 am  #3

Re: BING meeting in Warrington, UK, this coming December.

I'll be there!


11/10/2021 7:27 am  #4

Re: BING meeting in Warrington, UK, this coming December.

So will I..!


11/10/2021 11:48 am  #5

Re: BING meeting in Warrington, UK, this coming December.

I wish I could attend the meeting too, but unfortunately there is absolutely no way to do it, because I'm living really far from United Kingdom and also there is a possibility that I'll be working on 4th December.))

Maybe it'll be possible for me to go some other time.))


12/10/2021 12:33 am  #6

Re: BING meeting in Warrington, UK, this coming December.

What planes are available are too expensive. Now,if I was Rockefeller and not Ron Field could be a chance.
Oh, I need a new passport as mine expired in May.
Those attending - have fun and hello to all.


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